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Your source for Schools Colleges Camps Businesses Ministries. Your source for Schools Colleges Camps Businesses Ministries. This is a list of Puget Sound area Christian schools that provide an academic education with a Christian foundation. Looking for a business you can trust? .
8220;Redeemer Classical School exists to assist parents in training their children to think deeply about God and His world through academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment in order to transform families, institutions, and nations for the glory of God. Saturday, April 28, 2007. A Compelling Reason for the Rigorous Training of the Mind. The following essay by John Piper. Was copied with permission from Desiring God Ministries. A Compelling Reason for Rigorous Training of the Mind.
Providence Classical Christian
Providence Classical Christian
21500 Cypress Way
Lynnwood, WA, 98036
Our campus has video surveillance of common areas. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF IMMIGRANT STUDENTS AND FAMILIES. 16 17 25 PVUSD Support of Immigrant students Spanish and English. Sarah Squires Volunteer Award Receipient.
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